Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First Day of School

          In Saker's book there is a story called "Class Act," which describes the first day of school for a little boy named John. His experience in 1952 has some similarities to my first day of school but also many differences. One idea that John Otto says at the end of his story is how his teacher influenced his "commitment to create a classroom without fear." This is something I want to carry in my own classroom. Learning will not take place if students do not feel safe in their environment. There are a few differences between schooling then and schooling now. Students in 1952 received physical punishment, which would fire teachers today. Also in 1952, students were not prepared for school, there was no kindergarten and no preschool. In today's classroom students have many different programs and opportunities available for them so they are prepared in the classroom.
          The first day of school is a day when every child is full of many different emotions. I remember as a child being excited, scared and sad. I feel that I was lucky as a child  to grow up with a mom who taught at the same school I would be attending. Before school started I got to meet my teacher and explore the building with my mom. I remember on the first day my mom telling me she was only a hallway away and that made any of my anxious feelings disappear. I remember on the first day of school getting my picture walking into the classroom for the first time with my brother.  This is a picture that I still have and it makes me remember all the good times I had during my first year of school. I can remember my teacher Mrs. Lilley walking me around the classroom and showing me different parts of the classroom (for example: the reading circle, my spot at the table, the classroom fish). Her walking around the classroom with me made me feel more comfortable with my surroundings.
         From my experiences growing up in school I learned a lot that I will take with me when I am a teacher. I will ensure each child is comfortable in their learning environment and accomplish this with different activities. During the first week of school I will have students create "All About Me" posters, which they will share with the class and then have hung around the classroom. I remember doing this during third grade and I loved having pictures of my family and my favorite things on a poster to share with my friends.
         I enjoyed reading the story in Saker's book and comparing it to today's school systems. I am defiantly glad I did not have to endure the physical punishment for misbehaving like he did!